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Prayers for Chinese Christians

Drazí přátelé CRS!

Third time with join prayer for people in need! this time we will pray for our chinese brothers and sisters, we requeeted international protection here in Czech Republic. However they live with us about five years so far, their legal procedure did not end yet. Lets pray for strengt, hope and bravery for them. Lets pray for their integration,open hearts of people in churches and every where else (employement, accomodation…) and God´s love!
You can join our chain: tabulce. WE will pray on Sunday 12. 7. 2020, from 5th am till midnight. (Will we be able to fill every single hour?) Fill free to pray any time! No problem if you join someone else in the same time box!

We are looking forward to your companion!

Yours CRS

V modlitbách buďte vytrvalí, bděte a děkujte Bohu. Koloským 4:2