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Call for prayers for people on the Aegean Islands and solidarity!

Dear CRS friends, join us again in prayers!

As we mentioned in our last call for prayer, the conditions there are unbearable. Overcrowded camps lack accommodation capacity, sanitary facilities, hygienic articles, but also food and other necessities.
The situation has even worsened due to the pandemic. What would help is immediate relocation of
the people from the islands, meaning their transfer into other countries. People on the Aegean islands of Lesbos, Chios and Samos have in many cases been waiting for years for other EU member
states being solidary with them and with Greece.

Prayers for solidarity

We would love to invite you to prayers for solidarity with people on the Aegean Islands. Greece itself
and its inhabitants indeed deserve their portion of solidarity, too. We would like to pray together for
above mentioned initiatives and those in need.


We are also creating a prayer chain again — on Sunday 14 June 2020. Just as at our first call, you may sign up for a particular hour via this table:

The problems on the Aegean Sea are long-standing issues. It is very sad that the saying “Out of sight,
out of mind.” applies here. Most EU states refuse to tackle the problems of overcrowded camps
because of political and also practical reasons. By this, they not only deny help to Greece but their
behaviour contributes to human rights violations, above all. Our intention in this call for prayer is to
entrust to Father our helplessness and sometimes even anger and pain caused by watching people
suffering and to ask Him for help.

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37

Prayer suggestions:


  • Relocation of people from refugee camps on the islands of Lesbos, Samos, Chios
  • Immediate relocation at least of unaccompanied children from the islands
  • Strength and determination for those fighting for rights of people who are neither seen nor heard
  • Openness of hearts and genuine desire, but also courage to help among politicians, statesmen and all who hold positions of power to solve the situation
  • Healing wounds in bodies and souls of children already accepted by some European states and their integration
  • Spreading awareness about problems of people in Greek camps
  • Provision of basic life needs for people on the route
  • Safety, decent life conditions for the Aegean Islands inhabitants
  • Real humanity and human rights protection by EU states
  • God’s protection, presence and love among refugees
  • Safety for people sailing across the Mediterranean Sea (end to dangerous and illegal boat pushbacks from the European shore towards the Libyan coast)
  • Provision for people in Yemen (famine, cholera, Covid)
  • Protection for families supported by CRS (Zahra and Fatima)
  • For CRS — wisdom of the Spirit in leading projects and the organization development, material provision for our activities, trust in God’s timing