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Prayers for Chinese Christians!

Dear CRS friends!

It is the third time already that we want to spend Sunday united in prayers for people in need! This time, we would love to pray for our Chinese sisters and brothers who applied for international protection in the Czech Republic. Although they have lived with us for nearly five years, the administrative proceedings have not been finished yet and are still being prolonged. Let us pray together for blessing into their new life and strength in waiting for the final decision. Let us pray together for their integration, for openness of local churches to welcome them, for overcoming cultural, language and other barriers and for God’s love!

You can register into the prayer chain in this table. We are praying on Sunday 12 July 2020, starting again at 5 AM and finishing at midnight. (Do you think that we will manage to fill every hour of the interval?) Remember though that there is absolutely no limit to your prayers! Also in case your preferred time is reserved already, it is no problem to have more people signed up for prayer at the same time!

We are looking forward to praying with you!
Your CRS