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November journey 2019 — SERBIA

Project hope for Nations AUTUMN JOURNEY!

It is impossible to sum up the autumn journey to Serbia in a few words, just as it is impossible to capture all the journey’s really blessed moments in photos. And there were many indeed! Our journey, carried out with a sign of a boat, started on 30 October 2019 and led to Serbia.

We visited Iranian sisters and brothers in Christ from the Adaševci camp and spent several afternoons in the Krnjaca camp in Belgrade, which houses mainly families. We dropped in the Subotica camp on the return journey too.

We made contact with children, and with adults, via games. Hopefully, both families and individuals
will recall lovely memories of us every time they play games together! And every time they open the Gospel in their native language, of course! The suitcase, almost too heavy to lift up at the start, contained only a few pieces in its very bottom at our departure. Especially in the Farsi language, there were only a couple of them left! God is good!!!

Why the boat sign?

Besides the fact that we were accommodated on a boat, main evangelization meetings took place on a boat on the Danube. The first one was an event for children from Roma families and children’s
homes, which gave us an opportunity to introduce Jesus to them and enjoy a beautiful fun afternoon.

The next meeting was held on Monday early evening, when we invited refugee families aboard. It was a really blessed evening! We hope that the shared word, worship songs and testimonies touched our guests!

Given the Roma children and orphans’ excitement about the boat cruise can be described as colossal, we have no words then for the Monday evening cruise with refugee families! We mean human words… Blessed are you, God, for ever!

Our hope is that the seeds we were sowing thanks to God’s help into people’s hearts will grow up into strong plants. Please, remember this in your future prayers!

What are other possible prayer suggestions?

  • safe journey (borders are often guarded by very roughly intervening policemen; there are beasts in border forests, including bears…)
  • decent places to live (although authorities’ efforts aim at a different outcome, a large part of people are still staying outside camps; these places are not always good for living, the coming winter could
    be dangerous for those staying on streets, in derelict houses etc.)
  • material provision for camps (providing hygienic articles, let alone winter clothes etc., is beyond the current capacities of the Krnjaca camp, designated for families; the situation is going to get worse due to rising numbers of newcomers)
  • local churches, organizations, individuals’ service (in addition to Dragan and Daniela, please provide prayer support for all who are not indifferent to the destinies of people on the route and help actively, it is by no way an easy service!)
  • refugee families’ children (in your prayers, remember also children who live their lives on the route, with no personal space and material provision, bringing up each other in camps and having no idea what their next day will look like)
  • encouragement for converted refugees in camps (it is not easy to be a convert in a camp full of Muslims, even more so, when the Christian knows that his/her task in their place is to spread love,
    calmness and peace they have found in Christ)

Additionally, we announce a next journey as Christmas is coming soon and together with that, we would like to ask for further prayer and financial support!

We thank you for all the good that have supported our effort! For prayers, encouragements, material gifts and finances! May these photos show at least a glimpse of our service’s visible outcome!