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#vánocenacestě – Christmas for kids on Balkan route

Dear friends!

After a longer gap – due to the covid, we are going to make Christmas for refugee kids on Balkan route again! Those kids are just superheroes, they care about their youger siblings, works as interpretators, … They lost majority of theier personal belongings, safe space to live and childhood as well, so we are willing to make something big for them! Give them a Christmas gifts!

First team goes to Bulgaria before Christmas, second and third to Bosnia and Serbia on January 2022. Bulgarian kids alreday reaceived their gifts donated by polish NGO CME! Thank you very much! We still need to amke gift boxes or bags in Serbia, where is complicated to sent gifts, so we will buy staff on place. In Bosnia it is not much about Christams, rather than survival, so we will buy needed staff.

There is some space for your help!

Since we will do gift sets in Serbia, we need your financial support. One gift box is about 300 CZK, we will do up to 300 boxes. Would you support this and crises kits and food boxes for refugees in Bosnia?

You can support us via Darujme:





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